Thursday, December 27, 2007


Emma was being so much a lady and keeping her legs together like glue that we almost did not find out she was a girl. But the doctor knows how to work with babys and says he got her to let him peek really quick. The doctor asked what we wanted and we gave our reasons for both a boy and girl but told him we would love our baby no matter what. Then the doctor said.."Well you better start a wedding fund" took us a few secounds but we got it and the doctor was sure to come back and clairify "just to clarify, I think you having a girl". We are so happy to know we can call our sweet little girl by her name. WE LOVE YOU EMMA!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Reminder of one of our Favorite Christmas of Sarah and my life...We love you Kelly and Paul!!!

Our tree is cheering for CLEMSON!!! GO TIGERS!!!

Tree Protection by AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter...Watch our DJ and Peaches...Don't mess with the ornaments!!