Sunday, November 25, 2007

Black Friday

So i decided to continue the tradition that Sarah and I began last year of getting up early on Black Friday to buy stuff. Unfortunately one of us had to stay home with the girls. So I decided to be the early riser, but first i had to make a plan. I got all the ads out and figured out what we needed and wanted and where it was avalible. Then i looked at which stores had the most things avalible and figured out how i could go to the least amount of stores and get the most stuff. I ended up needing to go to 4 stores, K-mart, Target, Best Buy, and Radio Shack. Thats right ladies and gentleman i didn't have to go to Wal-Mart!! WOO WHOO!! Well next i drew up a map of where i needed to go and in what order...this was very entertaining to our girls...Anyways i got up at 5am on Friday...and was out the door..First stop was Best buy where i bought 2 movies for $5 total....Next stop K-Mart to get $8 CD players for the girls (no more borrowing or "she took it without asking") but guess what happens to $8 CD players....they run out...Oh well...On to Target to get presents for our family, more movies, and a George Foreman for the house. Last stop is Radio Shack to get new phones for the house and one more present. I was home by 8am and ready to go a whole day at work, and prepare for the whole weekend of work. As our Paster Ray Conata would say "move towards the pain"...We just need to figure out how to not be in pain :c). Pray for our girls...Sarah....Me....and Emma/Eli...

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