Sunday, September 30, 2007

New Light in Living room...Stringing cable..restringing phone

Today i took down the light in our living room and i rewired the new light fixture that sarah and i picked out up by connecting the white to white, black to black and gold to gold (gold is a new one for me). So now we have a new light fixture in the living room...We also have a new one to put up in the bedroom...but thats for another day.
Friday i decided to restring the cable cord so that it was not strung across the room anymore. So i drilled a hole next to the hole a drilled for the Fax phone cord and...WOOOPS...i snapped the fax phone cord in then my new priority was restringing the Fax cord..cuz hello...we are running a business here and get lots of Faxes...Matt made a boo boo. Well i restrung the Fax line then strung the cable cord...YEAY MATT...All boo boo's fixed and i accomplished something.

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