Friday, July 20, 2007


So i was dared to open the Yellow metal box....So i did...inside I found lots of things that are in fact associated with danger...But it was not as fun as old bombs, or other fun things a man could dream up....Inside was:
a Large can of Gas
3 almost empty lighter fluids
some paint stripper
and a few other item like these

I was excited because i needed the gas for the new landscaping adventure, and the lighter fluid for the cook out we just had on sunday (i actually opened it on sunday when i cleared enough stuff away from it to open it). I am slightly concerned that this box does not seem to act as a protecter from the element....and it invites human contact....How can anyone resist "DANGER DO NOT OPEN!"....Its like putting a sign on it that says..."Everything you have ever dreamed of inside...please open!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you!